Pope Francis signed off on what is being called a binding “Galactic Agreement” this past Sunday inside the walls of the Vatican, witnessed by Christine Legarde and legal counsel of the IMF.

  • Pope Francis signed off on what is being called a binding “Galactic Agreement” this past Sunday inside the walls of the Vatican, witnessed by Christine Legarde and legal counsel of the IMF. 

8 thoughts on “Pope Francis signed off on what is being called a binding “Galactic Agreement” this past Sunday inside the walls of the Vatican, witnessed by Christine Legarde and legal counsel of the IMF.

  1. So, why has it taken two weeks for this news to get out? How do I know this isn’t another fairytale put out by the globalists?


    1. And my consideration is, if this were real and of such great importance, as it should be, why isn’t the news world reporting on this? how could FOX, CNN and MSNBC be so delinquent giving us the details and how it impacts all.


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