CIS – All the SPACE JUNK and SATELLITES what will happen when NIBIRU passes by?

WHAT will happen with all the Satellites and space Junks, when NIBIRU its MAGNETIC Fields affects everything on EARTH as it passes true our solar system.

So that means that they under ground will not have any TECHNOLOGY to able to access because they

will be blind without them.

And we probably have to dealt with them as they fall down to earth withe their Radiation Fuel which they carry with them. So you see they don’t care for us. If they knew NIBIRU was going to perform a fly by, why

to fill the sky and space with all that JUNK, knowing its dangerous.

So my brothers and sisters so you see i am not a scientist but i understand what the consequences can be.

Again i hope i have explained what our leaders have been doing and did not have any intention in helping us.

Curacao Intelligence Service (CIS)

Curacao Caribbean & International Compliance Solution. (CCICS)

Ronald Wederfoort  (President)

5999 5156118

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