Keith Scott Revelations Concerning the Dal Bosco / OITC Enterprise

7.11 Keith Scott Revelations Concerning the Dal Bosco / OITC Enterprise

2010 – (November) Neil Keenan received written communications from Keith F. Scott, formerly associated with the OITC as Chief of Cabinet of OITC, Special Envoy and Executor for His Excellency Dr. Ray C. Dam and later, Chief of Council of the Cabinet. Scott directly contradicted the June 2010 communications from David Sale, and stated clearly that the DFFI are the rightful property of the Dragon Family, who are legally entitled to them.

Scott also informed Keenan that he had become aware of him through one of Fulford’s internet blogs regarding “the theft of the series of historical Bonds.” According to Scott, he informed Dr. Ray Dam about two weeks later and witnessed Dam’s reaction in anger as Dam explained to Scott that he had been aware that David Sale had access to the bonds and had sent him scanned copies, which Dam proceeded to show Scott.

Dam advised Scott that he had determined that the bonds were authentic based upon his experience and review of records which he had historically kept in what he referred to as a “Book of Codes,” a book detailing lists of all records and the true owners of International Combined Accounts (blocked accounts of the “IPRA” or International Parent Registration Accounts).

According to Scott, the Dragon Family, through various secret arrangements, holds vast assets which he substantiated to Keenan by presenting “copies of the official secret bank documents that confirm the amount of gold delivered by the Dragon Family.”

Scott maintained that the Dragon Family is the known Depositor(s) of the gold as well as other bullion and assets in private bank accounts held in Swiss banks, and that the DFFI were in fact obligations of the Federal Reserve System against the assets blocked in the Dragon-Family-owned accounts (part of the “IPRA”).

In recent postings available to the world at large via the internet, David Sale has admitted that it is “verifiable” through the OITC’s own records that the first-ever written communications from Dal Bosco were within the first week of February 2010.  Sale has also published a few relevant sections of the Agreement dated March 2010 between Dal Bosco and OITC, and “duly executed by Dam.” It has been admitted to a global audience by Sale and confirms Keenan’s worst suspicions.


Keith Scott & Winston Shrout Report on the Explosive: Trillion Dollar Lawsuit

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