Secret CIA Heart Attack Gun Declassified; “Dart To the Heart” [video]

Secret CIA Heart Attack Gun Declassified; “Dart To the Heart”

In response to “awakened” people who don’t want to hear negative things about their “whistleblowers”…

As Drake/Thomas Williams stated in the April 27th Cosmic Voice Radio Show, expect a lot of shocks and news in the upcoming days, weeks and months.

They said we will hear things we don’t like, because it will go against what we believe, and against people or groups we follow.

I would suggest that if you follow ANYONE as a guru or infallible whistleblower, that you step back from the God or saviour complex long enough to realize that NOT ALL IS WHAT IT SEEMS. For example, Drake has issues with Anna von Reitz… and there are others who will be revealed.

We will soon find out that SOME of those we thought were acting out of a service-to-others, truthful, disclosure-oriented initiative are NOT on our side. Detach. Forget loyalty and don’t be so naive. Be okay with whatever you learn about your “heroes”, as they may not turn out to be who you think they are. We NEED to be okay with whatever happens.

Rest assured, I take my own advice. Whatever happens… whatever is revealed… I’m A-OK with it. As I’ve said so many times, I know I will be wrong about plenty of things—and some people—but not many.

The following is an article from Dani Arnold-McKenny’s Facebook page, shared by a friend. Take care, Dani-girl. I think about you often. Hope you’re safe and happy in Oz.

With respect to the article and video below… how many times since at least 1975 do you suppose the CIA has led to the medical examiner signing off on a death certificate with COD as “heart attack” when it was murder at their hands?  ~ BP



VIDEO: Secret CIA Heart Attack Gun Declassified

January 19, 2016
By Afarin Majidi

As you’ll learn from the video above, the CIA has been using a heart attack gun for years. What you see in the video is a congressional meeting dating back to 1975. In it, politicians discuss the CIA’s use of the secret heart attack gun. Only recently did this information become declassified, and Your News Wire somehow dug up this video all about it.

The way the gun works is that it shoots a tiny dart that can pierce through clothing and leaves no trace. But it causes a heart attack only seconds later. No, this is real life, not a James Bond flick!

The dart, which is laced with poison, disintegrates after piercing the skin before the person shot has a heart attack.

Again, the video you need to watch is from 1975, so we can only imagine what kinds of technology the CIA has come up with since then.

As for the use of the heart attack gun now, according to conspiracy theorists, the inexplicable death of 52-year-old Mark Pittman, a reporter who predicted the recent financial crisis and exposed Federal Reserve misdoings, is the work of this CIA weapon. Pittman fought to open the Federal Reserve to investigations. He led Bloomberg News to sue the powerful central bank and win. Pittman died of a heart attack on Nov. 25th, and many say he was perfectly healthy and that he was ‘taken out’ by CIA.

Regardless of what you believe, there are no two ways about the fact that a heart attack gun exists, the CIA has used it for nearly three decades and it works. Again, if you doubt it, just watch the video.


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