Bush Family Treason

Bush Family Treason


by Barbara Boyd and Anton Chaitkin

April 6—Lyndon LaRouche describes Jeb Bush’s Presidential candidacy as a deadly, unfolding strategic potential in a world already careening toward financial collapse and world war.
A speculative monetarist cancer is destroying the nations of the trans-Atlantic system. Wishing to retain their hegemony, the Anglo-American oligarchy threatens Russia and China with nuclear war. The present ugly caricature of the once great United States can be attributed to George H.W. Bush’s tenure in the Vice Presidency and Presidency, George W. Bush’s eight years in office, and the six-plus years America has suffered under its successor-in-interest, Barack Obama—what LaRouche calls the Bush League of Nazis.

George Scherf Sr. or Prescot Bush

The history of the Bush family, dating back to Jeb’s grandfather Prescott, and his great-grandfather George Herbert Walker, is a history of Anglo-American financier treason against the founding principles of the United States, a war against Franklin, Washington, Hamilton, John Quincy Adams, Lincoln, McKinley, Roosevelt, and Kennedy, who all fought to found and advance the revolutionary American system of economics against attacks and subversion by the British imperial system.

Barbara Pierce Bush, son George Walker Bush, father George Herbert

Each new generation of Bushes presents itself as a markedly dumber version of the same fundamental species. They have no principles or morals, aside from abject loyalty to family and to the London/Saudi/Wall Street axis they serve. Anglophilic to the core, they proudly trace their roots to the House of Windsor.


No Bush has ever been his “own man,” the status Jeb Bush trumpets for himself at every public occasion. This claim is so ridiculous that New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd has taken to calling him “I Am My Own Man Bush.” Being your “own man” implies a thinking identity, imagination, and bedrock moral principles, all of which the Bushes lack. For character, the Bushes have substituted one burning ambition, first set forth by Prescott and grandfather George Herbert Walker for George H.W. Bush, and then by George H.W. Bush for his sons George and Jeb—to exercise the power of the U.S. Presidency on behalf of Wall Street.

George Scherf jr or George Bush Sr

In 1992, EIR published George Bush, The Unauthorized Biography, an exhaustively researched book, used by Bill Clinton’s Presidential campaign as a manual for understanding the Bush species, breaking what had been the family’s firewall of secrecy. Other books have followed. After reviewing the literature, we provide here an updated series of vignettes to demonstrate why Jeb Bush poses such an imminent danger. This is our opening overview; we will publish more in upcoming issues.[1]

Prescott Bush, the Hitler Project, and the Secret Government
Nazi Links: The relevant species history begins with E.H. Harriman acquiring the bankrupt Union Pacific Railroad, financed through the British royal family’s private financier, Sir Ernst Cassel, Cassel’s New York partner Jacob Schiff, and members of the Rockefeller family. Like everything else on Wall Street, the financiers traded on what others had created. In 1919, G.H. (Bert) Walker, a St. Louis-born, British-schooled operative of British and Morgan bankers, set up a private bank for E.H. Harriman’s sons, Averell and Roland, W.A. Harriman and Company.

E.H. Harriman, former president of the Illinois Central and president of Union Pacific (1904-1909), spent the next decade reorganizing the company and reacquiring other major portions of the railroad, such as the Oregon Short Line and the OR&N. The new company was named Union Pacific Railroad Company. Harriman spent more than $240 million improving the line from Omaha to Ogden.
E.H. Harriman, former president of the Illinois Central and president of Union Pacific (1904-1909), spent the next decade reorganizing the company and reacquiring other major portions of the railroad, such as the Oregon Short Line and the OR&N. The new company was named Union Pacific Railroad Company. Harriman spent more than $240 million improving the line from Omaha to Ogden.

In 1926, Bert brought his son-in-law, Prescott Bush, into this enterprise, Prescott and Roland Harriman having sworn lifetime blood oaths to each other as members of Yale’s secret satanic Skull and Bones society. Beginning in 1920, W.A. Harriman and Company under Bert Walker’s direction, began looting post-World War I Germany, acquiring control over shipping (the Hamburg-America ship line), and buying into steel production and raw materials. When the Depression hit, W.A. Harriman merged with Brown Brothers, the British family investment firm of Montagu Norman, the pro-Nazi head of the Bank of England. Brown Brothers Harriman was the largest private investment bank in the United States, and Prescott Bush was installed as its managing director. According to his account, Prescott presided over the weekly Thursday partners meeting at the firm, assisted by “silent and properly attired British floor attendants.”


Prescott Bush presided over a banking complex tightly interwoven with the funding centers for Adolf Hitler and the Nazi party. Most notable was their subsidiary, the Union Banking Corporation (UBC), a money-management front for Fritz Thyssen, the leading German steel and coal tycoon. Brown Brothers Harriman was also the bank of the Consolidated Silesian Steel Company, which included Thyssen’s Nazi business partner Friedrich Flick among its owners, and utilized slave labor from Auschwitz in its operations. In addition, Bush was the director of a number of companies associated with Thyssen, including the Silesian American Corporation. Thyssen, by his own account, was the chief financier of Hitler’s rise to power in Germany. By the late 1930s, Brown Brothers Harriman had bought and shipped millions of dollars of gold, fuel, steel, coal, and U.S. Treasury bonds to Germany, both feeding and financing Hitler’s war build-up.

Dulles Brothers
Dulles Brothers

The lawyers for Brown Brothers Harriman in their Nazi dealings were the Dulles brothers, John Foster and Allen Dulles, both of whom were intimates of Prescott Bush throughout their lifetimes. John Foster Dulles continued his support for Hitler right up to Hitler’s attack on Britain, promoting Hitler as a marcher lord who would destroy emergent Russia. He was joined in this project by Montagu Norman, then at the Bank of England and formerly at Brown Brothers, the family bank, who coordinated the Hitler project for the British elites.

In the Autumn of 1942, the U.S. government seized the assets of UBC and Silesian American Corporation under the Trading with the Enemy Act.

Any remaining doubt about Prescott Bush’s witting participation in the Anglo-American Hitler project is removed when the 1932 International Congress of Eugenics is considered, together with Prescott’s lifelong devotion to eugenics and population control. The Congress was held at New York’s American Museum of Natural History and paid for by Averell Harriman, Bush’s favorite partner. It featured Nazi doctor Ernst Rudin, who was unanimously elected by the assembled as President of the International Federation of Eugenics Societies. The society advocated sterilization of mental patients, execution of the insane, criminals, and the terminally ill, and race purification by preventing births to parents of “inferior blood stocks.” These measures were allegedly necessary to prevent lesser breeds from monopolizing the world’s finite resources.

American Nazi doctors headed by Ernst Rudin
American Nazi doctors headed by Ernst Rudin
When Hitler’s sterilizations were reported in the United States Plecker wrote a letter to the German Bureau of Human Betterment and Eugenics praising them for the action and expressing his hope that not one child had been missed. Ten years earlier, Plecker had written that African-Americans were “the greatest problem and most destructive force which confronts the white race and American civilization.”

When Franklin Delano Roosevelt took office in 1933, he threw down the gauntlet to Prescott and his ilk in his first inaugural speech, condemning the money-changers of Wall Street: “They have no vision and when there is no vision the people perish. Yes, the money changers have fled from their high seat in the temple of our civilization. We may now restore the temple to ancient truths. The measure of that restoration lies in the extent to which we apply social values more noble than mere monetary profit.” Prescott Bush hated FDR, remarking later: “The only man I truly hated lies buried in Hyde Park.” Upon FDR’s death, Prescott, the Dulles brothers, and their Wall Street friends went to work dismantling FDR’s America, replacing it with the structures of speculative finance and the Cold War national security state.

Continue Reading at ……… http://geopolitics.co/2015/04/11/bush-family-treason/


  1. The way putin regime propaganda managed to infiltrate alternative media audience in western world

    How I see things is I look at what government is doing – looking at its work, methods and results. And from there it’s basically two sides: those who work in good of common people and protect their individual rights & freedoms, and those who manipulate their people take their rights away and work for elite benefits. Now you look from that perspective and you are going around in so called “alternative media” as this (which actually is not alternative at all – but about that little later) than I’m sure you are aware about US oligarch regime crimes and that they are not working for the people. What you are lacking in information at some sites is about other elites / regimes / oligarchs and how they treat their people. So because of this lack of information you can be easily manipulated to think that there is only one evil elite that rules west and others can be looked at as opposition to this evil – so automatically they are the good guys VS evil west. Well it’s not so at all. If you go back to what I started and those criteria how I divide governments – than you will realize that for example Putin oligarch regime, China elite regime – is not working for their people and is not protecting their individual rights and freedoms. They use the same tactics, the same crimes, the same manipulation in order to gain their elite more power more wealth and hides it under different banners. I’ post links about Putin regime in the end – check them out.

    This manipulation with your mind is possible using different kind of channels that you think is alternative media – when actually it’s Putin regime asset for brainwashing you. Also US oligarch regime has their alternative media to brainwash you. So it’s really hard to stay focus and not to get lost in this war over your mind. But those criteria I posted can help you.

    What Putin regime assets as RT, Zerohedge (because obviously it is Putin regime asset as you will not be able to find any criticism towards from this site towards actions Putin regime do to their people by limiting their freedoms, by internet censorship and of course will stay in line with Putin regime lies that they are not invading Ukraine (when there is evidence about Putin regime tanks in Ukraine that are not in any country army but only in Russian) does is they are mixing truth with lies. You know – you have to add some sugar for bitter poison. They are well aware about US oligarch crimes and they are well aware that MSM is hiding them from people in west and they are well aware that people in west is seeking the truth that exposes these crimes – so what they do is this – they expose US oligarch regime crimes for what you are so interested in and in this way they are taking your attention and confidence to this source so that you trust them and thank them for bringing truth. And what they do then is they add their Putin regime lies that you automatically accept as truth because they were saying truth about US oligarch regime crimes (not always though). So this is the way they mix truth with lies in order to make you think from their perspective. If they add more paid trolls than mostly this scheme will work and people will live under Putin regime brainwashing machine. So now you know. Now it’s a choice for you to think this trough and start looking at information more with critical thinking. Yes, world is not so simple as we think.


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