ALDEBARAN PROJECT OVERVIEW Seeking Definitive Proof of Ancient Alien Contact


After over a decade of research, I began writing The Aldebaran Project on Monday, November 19th 2012. The significance of that date is explained at the end of the book.

Since the summer of 2000 I have been on a quest to solve a truly fascinating mystery. I had come across this mystery quite by chance, through having been asked by the esteemed publishers John Wiley & Sons to write a book on the early history of space-flight. Whilst researching that book, I learned of rumours that one of the pioneers of rocket science – the German academic Dr. Willy Ley – was privy to a great secret. This secret is that a space probe from the star Aldebaran has been orbiting the Earth for millions of years. Willy Ley, so it was claimed, was aware that both the Nazis and NASA had attempted to “acquire” the probe. To say the least, I was sceptical – when I was younger I had believed many theories about UFOs or “ancient astronauts” that subsequently turned out to be dubious. Over the years, however, with an almost reluctant curiosity I dipped in and out of this mystery, attracted more by its audacity than any possibility of it being plausible. But then, almost serendipitously, I began to make discoveries that seemed to explain a number of previously inexplicable historical events, and to find evidence that accounted for some of the strange anomalies of science that are arbitrarily put down to “coincidence”. Imperceptibly, my scepticism was replaced by open-mindedness; gradually, my doubt was replaced by powerful conviction; and finally, my quest for truth became almost an obsession.

Before he fled the Nazis in early-1935, Dr. Ley had been in touch with a group of German occultists called the Society for Truth, which in more recent times has come to be known as the Vril Society. Vril is a mysterious energy first mentioned in the 1873 novel Vril: The Power of the Coming Race by Edward Bulwer-Lytton. Allegedly, during 1919 the leader of the Vril Society – a beautiful young Viennese psychic called Maria Orsic – had received “channelled” information from the Sumi, a species that once inhabited a planet orbiting Aldebaran. Six thousand years ago, Maria claimed, this species contacted the first civilisation to emerge in Mesopotamia, the land that is now Iraq. This civilisation, which would later become known as the Sumerians, then experienced a flourishing of wisdom in the form of science, technology, art and culture. But after generations of progress, something drastic occurred and this “enlightenment” was suddenly snuffed out.

A remarkable period of innovation did occur in Mesopotamia at the very time claimed by Maria Orsic. This “golden age of learning” saw the introduction of irrigation, pottery, the wheel, metallurgy, the plough, the loom, sailboats and – the most important of all – writing. It is also true that after just three centuries this brilliant light was abruptly extinguished. But of course these things are not necessarily related to extraterrestrial intervention. However, the myths of the Babylonians – the civilisation that replaced the Sumerians – contain narratives that give credence to the claims of the Vril Society. In particular, Babylonian myths describe a very strange celestial object called Nibiru that moves through the sky in a manner totally unlike any of the stars or planets. There have been numerous speculative attempts to explain what Nibiru was – or indeed, is – but to my mind they fall apart under scrutiny. I therefore decided to carry out my own investigation of Nibiru. To my great surprise, I discovered that Nibiru exhibits the behaviour of an object that is in a polar orbit around the Earth. Other Mesopotamian myths describe a vessel like an “egg” that fell from the sky as a “fiery bird”, before plunging into the River Euphrates. This vessel was the “celestial boat” that brought Enki – the God of Wisdom – to Mesopotamia. The imagery of a “fiery bird” and an “egg” has echoes of the ancient Egyptian mythologies of the phoenix and the Benben Stone, both of which represented “wisdom”. It seemed to me these myths could be describing the arrival of some sort of space capsule.

Collating the mythologies of Mesopotamia and ancient Egypt, and framing this within the context of the Vril Society and Willy Ley, I formed a startling hypothesis. My hypothesis is that a space probe – which I call the Ancient Envoy – was sent to Earth by advanced beings that once inhabited a planet circling the star Aldebaran. Their motive was to contact another intelligent species before Aldebaran swelled-up, became a red giant, and destroyed their world. Possessing a large degree of artificial intelligence, the Ancient Envoy waited in Earth orbit, observing our planet. Eventually, the probe detected the efforts of a physically inept species using its wits to gain an advantage over Nature. Then, around six thousand years ago when the first civilisations began to emerge in Mesopotamia, the Ancient Envoy released a small capsule – which I call the Messenger – to make direct contact with humans. The Messenger included an archive of information describing the species that sent the Ancient Envoy to Earth, and the reasons why. Part of this archive was a goodwill gift of “wisdom” in the form of sciences, technologies, arts, logistics, and methods of good governance that would benefit humanity. This made sense to me because, though primitive in comparison to the Ancient Envoy, the Pioneer and Voyager probes we have sent beyond our Solar System and to the stars contain archives of a similar nature.

If my hypothesis is proven valid, light will be shed on an insidious “global conspiracy” stretching back to the very dawn of civilisation. Archaeological evidence suggests that “pre-Sumerian” society in Mesopotamia was essentially egalitarian – a primitive democracy with elected leaders responsible for secular matters, and who oversaw spiritual matters via a benign priesthood. When the Messenger capsule arrived, the contents of its archive were put to good use in advancing society in the interests of all of the people. However, at some point a few of the priests into whose care the Messenger had been entrusted, learned of a particular “power” within the archive, and used this to usurp their leaders. These sly priests styled themselves as “priest-kings”, and founded the brutal theocracy that became Sumer. The priest-kings no longer used the Messenger’s archive to benefit the people, but to suppress, control, and enslave them. The cultural descendents of the priest-kings of Sumer exist to this very day. They have been given many names – for example, the “Babylonian Brotherhood” – but I prefer to call them simply the “Elite”. The Elite are the global network of families, organisations and vested interests that hold power over the rest of humanity. For millennia, the Elite has known about the Ancient Envoy and the Messenger, but has withheld this from the people. Why? Because knowledge is power, and the last thing the Elite want is power in the hands of the people.

But not everyone in Sumer was as self-serving as the sly priest-kings. A small number of noble-minded people – who I refer to as the “Guardians of Truth” – were able to create a secret depository of “Forbidden Knowledge” that preserved the truth about the Ancient Envoy and the Messenger. Passed from initiate to initiate over many millennia, spoken of only in whispers, this Forbidden Knowledge is at the heart of Hermeticism, Astrology, Gnosticism, Alchemy, Rosicrucianism and the Occult. Encoded within the Forbidden Knowledge is information on the species that reached out to humanity across the vastness of space and time. Encrypted within buildings such as the Great Pyramid of Giza are descriptions of the orbital parameters of the Ancient Envoy probe (which is known in occult circles as the “Black Sun”). Enciphered within mythologies are vivid descriptions of the arrival of the Messenger capsule. Embedded within legends are clues to the true nature of the Anunnaki “gods” of Mesopotamia, and the identity of the mysterious beings known as the Watchers. And as my research has revealed, the Forbidden Knowledge explains the real origins and purposes of shadowy “secret societies” such as the Knights Templar, Rosicrucians, Freemasons, the New World Order and the Illuminati.

When my quest began I had no idea where I would be led by the mystery of what Willy Ley was or was not privy to. But I chose to follow the evidence wherever it took me. Events in history create waves on the sea of time. Often, these waves wash over us in the present, and their direction of flow points towards the future. As the chapters of my book The Aldebaran Project describe, I have discovered that the events that occurred in Mesopotamia over six thousand years ago are poignant not just to the present, but also to the future – the very near future. If my hypothesis is correct, the Elite are within just a few decades of enacting their ultimate goal – the enslavement of the vast majority of human beings. What is most frightening is that, unnoticed by most people, this process has already begun. If my hypothesis is correct, the Elite gained the “power” to potentially carry out this enslavement through having abused the archive of the Messenger capsule. And if my hypothesis is correct, the key to preventing the Elite from carrying out their evil objective lies within the Ancient Envoy high up in Earth orbit.

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The astrophysicist Carl Sagan wrote: “Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence”. The extraordinary claims of “alternative” history and science are often ridiculed because not a shred of plausible evidence – let alone extraordinary evidence – is provided. Snippets of alleged evidence, woven into elaborate hypotheses, mean nothing. Hypotheses need to be tested, and irrefutable proof openly presented to the public and academic community. The only method of definitively testing my hypothesis is to launch a satellite into orbit and use this to search for the Ancient Envoy. Until recently, this was impossible as even the smallest of satellites were prohibitively expensive to build and to launch. Now however, an American company – Interorbital Systems – has begun marketing low-cost “cube satellites”. These “cubesats” come as kits that can be assembled without specialist skills. By launching a series of cubesats known as the Seekers, my hypothesis can now be tested (for information on the Seeker satellites, please click here). The objectives of The Aldebaran Project are ambitious, but they are realistic. Through seeking definitive proof of ancient alien contact, a serious attempt will be made to answer the age-old question – are we alone in the Universe? If The Aldebaran Project demonstrates that there really are intelligent species elsewhere in the Universe, then not only will the hidden mysteries of humanity’s past be illuminated, the ramifications for our present and our future will be truly staggering.

For almost fifteen years I have been on a quest to solve a mystery. I had come across this mystery by chance, through having been asked by the publishers John Wiley & Sons to write a book on the history of spaceflight. Whilst researching the book, I learned of suggestions that one of the pioneers of rocket science – the German science reporter Dr. Willy Ley – was privy to a great secret. This secret is that a space probe from the star Aldebaran has been orbiting the Earth for millions of years. Dr. Ley was also aware that the Nazis and NASA attempted to “acquire” the probe. To say the least, I was sceptical. However, as I delved deeper my scepticism turned into intrigue. Before he fled the Nazis in 1935, Willy Ley had been in touch with German occultists called the Society for Truth, which in more recent times has become known as the Vril Society. Vril is a mysterious “energy” first mentioned by the author Edward Bulwer-Lytton. Allegedly, in 1919 the leader of the Vril Society – an Austrian psychic called Maria Orsic – received “channelled” information from the Sumi, a species that had inhabited a planet orbiting the star Aldebaran, 65 light years from Earth. Thousands of years ago, Maria claimed, this species contacted the people of Mesopotamia, the land that is now Iraq …More

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