Howard Dean And Hillary’s Husband Bill Attended Communist Party Unity Meeting In Europe

Howard Dean And Hillary’s Husband Bill Attended Communist Party Unity Meeting In Europe

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Only two considerations need to be made in order to recognize the relevance of this 2010 video to the events of today. One, that Howard Dean and Bill Clinton engaged the European Communists, seeking to strengthen their ties and cooperation in the furtherance of an agenda promoting a one world Marxist government under the United Nations.

The second, that fact that Hillary Clinton is running for president as the Communist Party candidate, that the Democrats are the American Communist Party is a case Dean makes quite clearly. The fact that Clinton has thus far gotten away with espionage provides substantial circumstantial evidence.
It should be quite disconcerting to every American to realize that both Clintons had access to the top secrets of our federal government, as do all of the communists which currently populate the Obama regime. For all intents America has no secrets, just money-making and power brokering opportunities for our enemies.

The evidence of America’s impending second civil war, in which patriots will be forced to fight for our nation’s very survival, is provided in large part by both Bill Clinton and the glassy-eyed Stepford politician. Howard Dean is a former Vermont Governor, presidential candidate and head of the Democrat National Committee from 2005 to 2009. He is surprisingly straightforward in this video message to his fellow communists. He’s speaking, employing his typical empty-headed stare, to European communists, members attending the “first carbon neutral” Party of European Socialists movement convention. Reading in his typical robotic manner, Dean assures his audience that they have “saved a lot of carbon,” already a foundation of their plot to take over the world.

The clip switches to a definition of just who these people associated with PES are, the socialist or communist parties and movements of various European nations. Lord Christopher Monckton, a former aide to Margaret Thatcher and UKIP member describes the similarity between PES and what was proposed by Marx and Engels in the Communist Manifesto.

Dean notes how the amount of contact and the level of cooperation between the Democrat Party in the United States and the Communists of Europe “has increased significantly over the last two and a half years, with regular contact at Congress, Senate, Party and Foundation levels. Efforts have been remarkable from both sides,” says Dean, noting that “Many common initiatives have been launched.”
Dean goes on to state, “Today we are confronted with a reflection of crucial importance. It will shape the strategies and the work of the PES for years to come.” The video then goes on to discuss the choices that will be faced by EU voters in June of 2009 regarding the move towards communism, or as they prefer to label it, the progressive European Union. Progressive is sanitized language for the words communist or Marxist, one that they choose as a means of disguising their true nature and identity.

Monckton pulls the curtain back on the group, saying, “It is in effect communism that they are advocating. I say so because they are policies that would, if put in place, bring about the final enactment of practically everything that is listed, point by point, as the main thrust of policy in the Communist Manifesto.”
Dean says, “The attendance of President Clinton and myself at the Global Progressive Forum World Conference in Brussels in 2009, I think is eloquent and proves this point very well. That sentence from the robotic Dean didn’t quite make sense, but the brief presentation that follows more than compensates as a summary of the April 2-3 2009 event.

It notes that there were over 2,000 communists from around the world participating in the Forum, including dozens of key international figures, such as Hillary Clinton’s husband, Bill. The objective, according to the narration, was to develop a progressive, global new deal. A New World Order might be the more familiar way to describe it; a global Marxist tyranny might be a more accurate choice.

Bill Clinton, the husband of the woman who would later become Secretary of State and be, along with her top aides of Islamic and other compromised loyalties, in a position to sell American secrets to our enemies as well, is seen addressing the crowd. He said, “I am delighted to be here today because you are here to graffle [grapple?] With a problem that progressives in every country have been facing really for twenty years at least, since the fall of the Berlin Wall. Which is how do we support a more integrated world where borders are coming down and still preserve a sense of social justice and fairness within each nation, within each community?” Social justice and fairness are progressive code words for Marxist redistribution and forced equality.

Whether Clinton is speaking from the perspective of a Marxist nation facing the challenges of adapting its structure under the strain of the influences of Western society or the active Marxist attempts to dissolve individual national borders and replace them with a global communist government is unclear but either way the effort is to bolster the communist society against the influences of the free one. On its surface it is an odd position to be being advocated by a recent former United States president and the intimate comrades of one who is currently running for that office.

The attendees and Monckton help to clear up the confusion as does Howard Dean, who speaks in recommendation of strong coordination between EU and US communists. Free market globalization alone cannot achieve social justice,” says Dean. He adds, “And when we talk about the crisis, let’s not forget the environment. The transition to a low carbon economy will need a major transformation in the patterns of production and consumptions.” That is something that is a major component of the Sustainable Development agreement produced by the UN in September of last year, which is currently an outline for the creation of a Marxist global UN government and one that the United States is committed under an illegitimate process to be a party to. It is also something that was later to be embraced in 2015 by Jorge Mario Bergoglio, who would become Pope Francis in 2013. It’s so coincidental, one might be led to suspect prior planning, a conspiracy of sorts.

Dean says, “It will require large scale investments, mechanisms to share the costs, policies and to ensure social justice in this transition.” Monckton notes that those are the ambitions today of those at the UN, the World Bank, the IMF. Dean continues, “We need a new institutional framework to govern, manage and monitor implementation.” It’s a call for the framework of global communism which is, by definition, a call for the overthrow of our United States government.
Dean closes by stressing the need for a strong PES combined with a strong Democrat Party working together for communist ideals and world government.
Looking back at the plotting that was underway only six years ago, and the situation today with the open border invasion across Europe and the United States, we are clearly under the very attack that Dean and Clinton were facilitating at the time.

Why are these criminals not under arrest for treason, both the Clintons and Dean?  It is because their comrades occupy the highest offices in the land. They are fully protected in their treachery. It is the loyal patriotic Americans who are subject to their tyranny and who are at risk.
Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton and Howard Dean are all guilty of treason against the United States and many in law enforcement are fully aware of their crimes, as are the criminally complicit members of Congress led by their new protector, Paul Ryan. The government by the people is, as Lord Monckton says, in great jeopardy. He quotes the Gettysburg Address, which is perhaps more relevant today than it was when Lincoln gave it back on November 19th, 1863. Faced with this blatant communist aggression, Lord Monckton pledges to fight with every fiber of his being to ensure that government of the people, by the people and for the people shall not perish from the Earth.

Hillary Clinton Linke

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