By: Oshawanna White Eagle



Pharmakeia are medicines made with spells, witchcraft & sorcery.  In more common terms it is what the Native Medicine Men refer to today as “Pharmaceuticals”. Interestingly enough, all pharmaceuticals have a small amount of “natural herb” in them or otherwise they create no effect, but the majority of the compounds of these drugs are “synthetics” that are made from the chemicals made from the oil of the ground. In the Native Indian belief it is that the herbs are of our Mother Earth just as we humans are; therefore that is all the medicines that we need. It is also their belief that “Pharmakeia” only puts “dark negative energy” into the body.

In the communities in which we live, there are those who make bank loans to fund local medical offices on behalf of WE THE PEOPLE.  But unfortunately, the medical offices DO NOT offer “herbal holistic” medicines as an option for the Native Indians.  Most Natives today have lost their holistic medicine teachings due to the conquerors of the past who “forced” their beliefs upon their ancestors or otherwise they would have been slaughtered. Therefore, the western way of pharmaceutical is still being forced upon them today leading them to believe it is their only option. Modern day DNA researchers have proven that ancestral “emotional pain” has created DNA weaknesses in all of us.  But this especially explains why the “life expectancy” of Native Indians has been grossly cut in half and why entire tribes may have issues with diabetes like our local tribe the “Jumano”.

So the question I ask today, “Why are the “indigenous rights” not being honored as allowed under the laws of this Country”?  And why have governments made it illegal for these healing herbs to be picked from the “PUBLIC LANDS” that belong to WE THE PEOPLE? It is these same governments who claim that everything they do is for the COMMON GOOD OF ALL PEOPLE, but is that only another false illusion? Pharmaceutical only treats symptoms of the illness, and the long term side-affects & risk definitely outweigh any rewards they provide. The only “rewards” I can see are those Big Pharma kick-backs that are paid to corrupt governments. For it is the Native teachings that state that one must heal the physical then the spiritual or otherwise the sickness or disease will never leave the physical body; for it is “negative emotional pain” that will manifest disease or sickness into the body.

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