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This email has been being sent so you may begin your final mental and emotional preparation to successfully redeem at your own private exchange appointment sometime during this Labor Day Weekend.

It’s now apparent to us in this RV watch, that the New Powers That Be were planning to use the summer’s final holiday weekend all along in order to “slip-in” the RV with as little public awareness as possible.

We have confirmed via intelligence sources that redemption location employees are right now engaged in personal currency exchanges, across North America, at off-site exchange locations for all major banks.

It is understood that after they have completed their internal redemptions, the banks will be allowed to begin an external private redemption phase which is set to begin immediately and last through September 12th.

We now know with certainty that all currencies are in fact being redeemed at their printed face value (including the ZIM “no zeros removed”); also, the off-site ZIM redemptions are being processed at exceptionally high rates, both at the international and market rates.

When setting your redemption appointment, know you’ll have the first 48 hours only to qualify for redeeming at the Sovereign or Negotiable Rates, as well as receive an extended three week sovereign redemption period should you have current travel or medical issues.

However, it is highly recommended that everyone make their redemption appointment ASAP as well as complete their exchange without delay–unless circumstances dictate otherwise.  Meaning, get in, get out, and keep your trap shut afterwards due to the NDA.

Have all your in-hand currency, purchase receipts, gift letters, personal identification, wire transfer accounts, cashier check listand humanitarian project/job creation portfolios neatly assembled in one binder and at the ready.

Know too that this global redemption process has been rolling out officially over the last 10 days, and completes with the public redeeming during the second half of September.

October 1 we understand will be the start of the new gold backed system’s municipal accounting, flat taxation rate and Basel lll compliance oversight commencement per the 30 treaties being signed this weekend at the G20 Summit in China.

Be advised that once your long desired 800#s hit the Internet, a redemption frenzy may begin and confusion might ensure.  No reason to panic.  Stay calm.  Stick with what you know and look for more information from this source.

And while we understand man of you are enjoying your holiday weekend, we advise that everyone keep their smart phones near, charged and by refreshed in anticipation of a final TETELESTAI entitled email.

In this final TETELESTAI email, you will not only find toll free 800#s in which to set your redemption appointment, but also a redemption checklist, exchange recommendations, structured payout parameters and rumored sovereign/negotiable rate ceilings.

Look, we fully accept that this “Boy Who Cried Wolf” syndrome has been painful to endure regarding the RV, but at this time we sincerely believe its wise to temporarily suspend your disbelief and cross over an invisible bridge of faith, so that your heart, mind and soul may be fully prepared to handle what potentially could be a multi-generational, life changing event for your family… so pay attention.

Yes, you’ll only get one chance to redeem and you can’t discuss what happens at your appointment after, but you got this.  So move forward with confidence knowing that you are ready to make benevolent history and do your part in freeing humanity from bondage.

God is with us.

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