Bix Weir — Get Ready for the Gold Standard, Can They Make it More Obvious?

Bix Weir — Get Ready for the Gold Standard, Can They Make it More Obvious?

Is There a Single Instance of “Intent” in the 650,000 Emails?

Bix Weir <

The game of speculation about the new XXXXXXX email scandal has gone on all weekend. CNN has convinced themselves that out of the 650k new emails that are in play there are NO NEW EMAILS related to the case. Really? Ha!

Good luck with that CNN!

The reality is that the take down has begun. All there is left to prove is “intent” as that is the only reason that FBI head Comey did not bring charges against XXXXXXX. It was all laid out for the country. If there is proof of intent in a single email then she goes to jail. It won’t take reading all 650k emails to come to this conclusion. It just takes reading ONE email!!

Let’s face it, the is no way that Director Comey would have come out with the investigation unless there was something big to back it up.

That’s what will need to come out over the next week.

Just a note on Bitcoin…watch CHINA! Billions will be flowing into Bitcoin at the very time that NOBODY will want to sell for any BTC’s for Fiat Money!

You can see it happen live here:

We are in the middle of this mess and I don’t know if it will last days, weeks, months or years but one thing I do know…our lives will never be the same from this day forward.

May the Road you choose be the Right Road.

Bix Weir

Truthfully, it’s high time we rewrite the all the US History books and tell the world the REAL STORY. The American Revolution was actually…A REBELLION AGAINST THE BANKSTERS!

Back to the “Greenback”…

So you can see that everything on the left side of the new $100 bill relates to the continuance of fiat money.

Now let’s look at the right side of that Blue Stripe…the “Vigilance, Perseverance and Justice” side!

OH MY GOODNESS…GOLD GALORE!! A Gold Ink Well, Gold Liberty Bell, Gold Feather Pen, Gold “100”, Gold Watermark, Gold Writing in the background, Gold “July 4, 1776″…some say that it’s more copper on the front than gold but I disagree. Truthfully, it doesn’t really matter because there is a HUGE GOLD “100” on the back of the bill! (..does that mean our currency is now officially “backed” by gold?:) HA! The right side of this bill is so full of gold it will probably droop when you hand it to the cashier!

Here’s my take on all the Gold symbolism:

– The US has long prepared to return to a Gold Standard and the time has come.

– The Gold Ink Well symbolizes the power of Congress to pass laws (or fail to fund them) that can dismantle the Fiat Money System with the stoke of a pen.

– The Gold Liberty Bell within the ink well symbolizes Congresses ability to write laws that destroy the banking cabal’s strangle hold on the Liberty of citizens in the United States.

– Notice the words “THIS NOTE IS LEGAL TENDER FOR ALL DEBTS,PUBLIC AND PRIVATE” has also been moved from the left to the right side (or the gold standard side!)

– Notice how the color of the “100” on the bottom front changes from GREEN to GOLD…still not convinced?

– And now my favorite… look at the wording right above the “100” on the far right.

Do you see it?

“…the People to alter or abolish it, and to institute new…”

That, my friends, comes directly from our Declaration of Independence and says the following:

“That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”

Has there ever been a time in the last 100 years that the people were more ready to “alter or abolish” our government?!

Can “They” make it more obvious…GET READY FOR A GOLD STANDARD!

The odd fact that the US Treasury chose to “anti-counterfeit” the $100 bill last is very telling. The US $100 is the MOST counterfeited bill in the world by far. So much so that the fake bills even have their own name…the “SUPERDOLLAR” or “SUPERNOTE”.

The new $100’s were going to be released on Feb 10, 2011 but the Federal Reserve announced a “delay due to production problems”. Why wait so long? In this video it sure looks like they are in full production already. (what’s with the “Wizard of Oz-esque” green drapes? No, I won’t run with that!)

Oh, did you notice that the bill in all the sample photos was printed in “SERIES 2009”? I believe that the new $100’s are ready to go and HAVE BEEN READY SINCE THE ONSET OF THE CREDIT CRISIS! They were waiting for the crash and the return to a gold standard. With this announcement they might as well say …WE ARE READY TO COLLAPSE THE SYSTEM!!

The monetary camps split by the Blue Stripe, the Liberty Bell in the Gold Inkwell, the quotes of overthrowing the government, the delayed implementation of the $100 bill…

Get ready for a Gold Standard because we are just about there!

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